My dad
Pastor Tom had a great Father's Day sermon and the whole time I was thinking about my dad. He talked about how important it is for fathers to teach their children about God's love - and my dad did that. How fathers need to be the spiritual leader of the family - and he was/is that. Pastor also talked about our heritage of faith and how actions speak louder than words when it comes to this. Showing your children how to fold their hands when you pray, worshipping at church together, and installing godly values into their lives.

I am so grateful that my dad did all this for me. Knowing for certain that I will have life eternal is thanks to being raised by a strong Christian father. Last thing pastor mentioned was how important it is to pass this on to the next generation. I know my grandpa did this for my dad, my dad did it for me, and I hope Ryan and I can do it for Greta.
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