Monday, July 20, 2020

Nora 5 months

I feel like a broken record but yet another month has passed and Nora is up to 5 months. She’s such a great baby and is such a greta addition to our family! 

1. Loves watching her sisters and will sit in her chair was watching and smiling. 
2. A great sleeper and usually sleeps until about 530.
3. Loves the pool and her bath. 
4. Enjoys the exersaucer and standing up
5. Rolled over once kind of my accident so still working on that (but there’s a lot to roll 😀)
6. Starting to get more hair on top
7. Has the best laugh and Greta is the champ at getting her to laugh
8. Always has her hands in her mouth and can even fit her entire hand in there
9. First trip to the beach and loved having her toes in the sand
10. Has her own swing outside and loves swinging in. She pretty much loves being outside and going for walks. 

Stats to come next month but pretty sure she’s still on the up and up wearing 9 month clothes. Oh how I love Nora! 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Talking to God

I had a proud mommy moment tonight with Lola and Greta. Lola and I were reading a book about saying thank you. 

Here’s our conversation...
Me: who would you thank?
Lola (without missing a beat): God
Me: that’s a great one to thank!
Lola: I talk to him all the time
Me (wanting you cry): I do too!
Greta (now out of the shower): he made us you know
Lola: I know. I’m going to talk to him now. 

The conversation went on from there that it’s a miracle he made us. And we can talk to him however we want and he can hear us even if we don’t speak out loud. 

I really needed this tonight. Just when you think because we haven’t been to church since February that they are missing some of it. But nope. They talk to God and I wasn’t  even push it or forcing it. It’s moment like these when I think I’m doing okay at this mommy thing!

A little bit of God I’m action! 

Playing in the rain

A quick walk to the barn to pick some beans in the garden before the storm or at least that was the plan. Mother Nature had other plans. We did get some beans picked and then there was a big crack or thunder and the rains came. 

We quick camped out in the barn for a bit and then made a run for it when the rains let up a little. We made it back before the torrential downpour happened. 

Good thing about rain. Makes the crops grow. And you get to run around and laugh and jump in puddles. It will never get old watching the girls do this!