Friday, August 30, 2013

A great summer day

I love working half days!  There is something about having those extra few hours in the afternoon that make a person so happy.  Today, Mary and the kids came over to watch Greta while I worked from home in the morning and then we packed up and headed to Rolling Hills to go to the water park.  Well do to my potential new cleaning lady being late, we got stick waiting in line - for an hour.  Well I'm glad we waited because it turned out to be an awesome afternoon with them.  The kids and Mary enjoyed the water slides.  Greta loved the lazy river.  (Made me excited for next year to go).  I got lots of sun.  Funny how your remember to lather up the kids, but then forget about yourself.  Oops. 

Love days like this!  Makes me feel very blessed that I am able to spend time with my sis (we missed you Jules) and K & K.  It's great having them only an hour and 15 minutes way.

She loves her some sweet corn

Greta thinks the best thing at dinner is when I give her an ear of corn to suck on.  She's not getting anything out of it, but loves it none the less.  Makes here feel like a big girl :-)

5 months old

I know I post this every month, but where has time gone that Greta is already 5 months! Doesn't seem possible.
Here's her list of top 10!

1) Tried cereal for the first time
2) Knows when you leave the room or aren't focusing on her and she lets you know
3) Has a laugh that lights up the room
4) Rolls and moves all around - almost spinning in circles
5) Favorite toy is this crazy moose
6) Loves to play the piano with mommy
7) Went to her first Detroit Tigers game
8) Enjoys all the kids at day care, especially a couple boys in particular
9) Can pant like a puppy (which she loves watching)
10) Went on her first boat ride

She bring more love to our life than I thought possible.


Holy garden

Our garden this year has rocked!! We've had so much sweet corn we are now vendors at work. More summer squash than I know what to do with (already made baby food). More beans and zucchini. And tomatoes! Oh the tomatoes. I picked a huge container full for sauce but there's lots more to come. And the mystery crop which were supposed to be spaghetti squash - pretty sure there are ginormous pumpkins and turning orange already. Who knows!

But we've definitely got good dirt!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Greta's laugh

The sweetest sound in the whole work has to be this... Greta's laugh.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Morning baby

I would consider us morning people (well Ryan after his coffee :-) but Greta is definitely a morning girl. She wakes up on her own and just starts talking and singing. Sweetest sound to wake up to. Dad got her hear her do it last weekend and was amazed at it. She's pretty wonderful!

Greta's passport

While in Unionville, we made a quick trip to the Caro post office to file Greta's passport for our trip to Belgium and France this October.

Well I messed up and brought a photo copy of her birth certificate and it needed to be her real one. Thanks to small town people, the nice lady held on to our application and said my mom could bring over the actual tomorrow. So thankful! 

So Monday morning, mom took it over, gave it to the lady and we are all set.  Let the planning and booking officially begin!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Unionville Trip

A somewhat spontaneous trip up to Unionville to pick u our new old Ford tractor. We decided to make weekend out of it and spend some time with grandpa and also by the pool. Was great! Greta took her first little dip and then napped with aunt Julie while Ryan and I floated around in the pool. Then bright and early Sunday morning, we hit the road with dad on our tails with the sprayer - dandelions beware!

Ryan then was like a kid in the candy store trying out the tractor and the back blade. He freshened up our drive. Looks good!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Take me out to the ball game

Greta go to experience her first Detroit Tigers game... and she did great considering how warm it ended up being.  Luckily we were sitting in the upper deck and by about the 3rd inning we were shaded. She event took a little nap and slept through the excitement of Cabrerra's home run.  Great memories even though they didn't win.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First cereal meal

Such a big girl! Tonight was her first trip at cereal. Went okay. Some got in her mouth. Lots on her. A little on me. But she didn't cry and was quite happy to try it.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sweet corn

It's finally ready... Well at least a few ears. We sent this picture to dad on Tuesday and he said 5 days.

So Ryan was planning to set up a tent and be ready for an varmints that tried to partake in our sweet corn. But instead we have the live trap ready - hope there's a raccoon in there in the morning. That would mean one down and I'm sure lots to go.

Nothing like taking a bit minutes after you pick it... Tastes good! Greta wasn't sold. Lol!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First shipment of BM

It's official... I'm a breastmilk donor. I passed the initial screening, have blood, filled out all the paper work and shipped off my first cooler of milk. They (Bronson's Milk Bank in Kalamazoo) send you an overnight shipping label, a styrofoam cooler, and a box. You fill it up... Take it to the UPS store by 5:45 pm for over night delivery by 10:30 and that's all. My milk will be mostly used in the NICU, not only in Michigan but wherever needed.  My first box weighed 27 pounds - figuring I subtract out the box and cooler- I think my first shipment was probably like 23 pounds of milk.

I'm very happy to be able to share this gift with other babies. And by the looks of my healthy baby girl - it's vitamin D milk so it should help them get nice and big!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sick baby

Well I knew it would eventually happen... Greta is sick. Has a little runny nose, congested and a cough. Doctor said she has a mild case of croup but nothing to be worried about. We have medicine that we can give her if she gets worse. I'm praying she doesn't so we can hold off on the steroid. But on the positive side Greta is still a happy baby and sleeping through the night.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

She rolled over

Big night at RAD Farms... Greta rolled over for the first time! Tummy to back. Crazy how fast time is flying and how big she's getting.

Going to try and get some video of it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Up north fun

We got to sneak away for a few days up north and thankfully it was a little warmer than last time. Greta wasn't quite as perfect of a rider this time but we managed. She feel asleep as soon as we saw the steeple and slept for about 15 minutes and then had a major blow out in her case seat.

We enjoyed perfect weather... Low 70s and sunny. We took the dogs swimming and went to the beach, where Greta took a nap. I got to tan a little and borrow a paddle boat for a few paddles up the coast of Lake Michigan. Ryan and I got to golf and I shot a 43 - best score yet this year! I also got to play the piano for the staff talent show - a first for me! Then Monday morning we loaded up to come home and take sweet Greta to the doctor. Again - not her best car ride but the previous thing could hardly breathe so I can't blame her. But moments like that it really makes me want a vehicle where I can sit next to her and not have to twist and bend in a way I can't twist and bend for 3 hours. But we made it!

More great memories at Arcadia. 


Friday, August 2, 2013

Mr. Mom and my first trip away

Ryan had his first overnight with Greta this week and did great! I had to leave for Minneapolis Wednesday morning at 430 and didn't get home until Thursday night around midnight. He did it all, even baths and a major blow out. I came home to a happy baby girl. 

Now from my perspective... Hardest 48 hours ever! I wanted nothing more than to not leave and stay with her. But that wasn't possible. Feel pretty good though that I managed to pull off 2 great events and be a mom but man it was hard and i missed her so much. Good news is that I shouldn't  have to leave her over night for a long while now. Which is a great relief. 

Flying with a pump and breastmilk is interesting, but manageable. I've now pumped in the airport (good thing Lansing is small), in the bathroom on a yacht, standing in a bathroom in another airport, oh my! Good times there.

4 months already

Greta is already 4 months... where has the time gone.

She had her check-up today and is doing great.  Got more shots, which made for a mad Greta and a sad mommy. 

Her stats... 25 1/4 inches long (86th percentile), 15 pounds, 4 ounces (82nd), and 16.8 inch head circumstance (88th).

Greta's top 10
1.  Loves sitting in her high chair at the table
2. Enjoys her hot pink exersaucer
3. Had her first night with only Daddy (they did great, mommy only just survived)
4. Put her toes in the sand for the first time
5. Has the cutest giggle
6. Thinks all the kids at day care are great and loves talking with them.  One little boy loves her toes.
7. Makes all kinds of sounds
8. Had her first vacation to Arcadia and the Ruth Lakke Cabin
9. Sleeps through the night... I think we are on like 10 days straight.
10. Fits into 6 month clothes :-(

She is the light of my life and makes life worth loving!