Wednesday, November 25, 2015


This morning I got into a fight with Gretas gloves. Literally a fight. With gloves. That ended in me throwing them. No joke. Liner great concept but when you can't get it to go back to the way it's supposed to be. Defeats the purpose of having the liner in the first place.

I'm not sure who designs gloves for toddlers but they need to rethink their design. Asks mom or a teacher who has to do it and in record time so the child and parent doesn't overheat. Which might have been the reason I threw the glove. 

Ordered 2 new pair for her... Here's hoping! 

Yes she has on those little finger gloves but 2 pairs and when we came in her hands were warmer than mine.

Grateful for Gods blessings

On this Thanksgiving eve, I am thankful for all God has blessed me with. At times like this, it reminds me that even on my worst day, I am still more fortunate than others and I often take that for granted.

I not only have a roof over my head, but a house I call a home. 

I have a family who loves me, supports me, drops everything to help me, and makes me laugh. 

I have an amazing hard working husband. 

I have healthy beautiful children who mean the works to me. 

I have a job that allows me to pay the bills and save for the future. Plus buys me fabulous shoes when needed. 

I have all I need and much more. Thank you God for everything. Please help me to always have a grateful heart.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Deer Widow

Ryan headed up to the UP last Saturday with his friend Jason, as arrived home last night with a deer and having had no shower! Yikes! We are all so glad to have him home but I'm proud to say the girls and I survived. 

My proud accomplishments
- we made it out the door every day, close to on time 
- Miller got fed every day
- Miller didn't run away (thanks to dad blocking the big hole under the fence
- Greta had breakfast and dinner every day.... Even some at the table and not her desk. And no take out 
- I ate breakfast and some form of dinner each day
- only 2 sleepovers in my bed with everyone 
- baths every other night 
- church on Sunday 
- no laundry done but only because the sump pump is broke and needed to do laundry. 
- one girl movie night with Cinderella II and III and popcorn of course!
- only got locked in the basement once when Ryan left.. Luckily for a long screwdriver, I unlashed the lock

All in all not too bad with a 2 1/2 and 3 month! So happy for good kids.

Losing my hair

I remember it not so fondly with Greta and it's happening again... My hair is falling out. Darn pregnancy and breast feeding hormones. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Proud Greta moment

This week I was so happy when Greta's teacher told me that Greta has such good manners. When a kid bumped his head, she asked if he was okay. When the teacher sneezed Greta said bless you. 

I was so happy to hear this! You just never know if what you are teaching them and pushing them to say, they use when not prompted (mainly by myself). So I'm chalking this one up to a parenting success! 

Yeah Greta!! 

Lola laughs

For the record... Lola laughed for the first time November 17th. 

Will load video soon.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Craft Show 101

Saline had their biannual craft show yesterday and I so badly wanted to go. Thought it sounded awesome it Ryan was gone do Id have to take girls myself which I didn't want to do. So I invited mom, Mary (and Karle) and Julie. Well only the Weldens were able to join and so glad they did! 

Here is what I learned or saw it experienced... Or whatever

1. Some people are serious craft show attenders. They live for these events.
2. Don't bring children to craft shows. 
3. You spend way less if you have children with you at a craft show but really you should refer to #2.
4. No strollers is a great concept unless you break rule #2 then you wish they let just you bring one in. Great place to stash children or big things you buy. 
5. Not all middle/high schoolers are punks. Met some very nice students from Saline who were very helpful because we didn't follow #2 and bought too many large items. 
5. Wear tennis shoes no matter how comfortable your boots are because boots just heat your legs up, 
6. It's hot at craft shows. Dress in layers... And that means layers you are willing to show other people. A tube top with a black bra while good for nursing at the show not appropriate to show others.
7. If you see something and think "I kind of like that - maybe I'll come back and buy it." You won't so either just buy it or no complaining when you don't and really wish you had even if you didn't buy it because you broke #2.
8. You will pay more and that's ok. It's homemade. Embracing this will lead you to spend way more on everything.!
9. If you break #2, their favorite part will be riding the school bus whether 10 or 2.
10. Have fun. Buy sweet snacks. Break for lunch. All keep everyone going, especially if you broke #2. 

All in all we had fun! Next time, if there is, we'll do it differently. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thanksgiving in Greenwood

We packed up the car, and headed to Greenwood to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Delaney's.  What used to be a quick trip, has now turned into at least a one stop trip.  This time had lots more excitement and not the good kind.  Greta got sick and puked about half way into the trip.  UGH!  And she definitely wasn't happy about it and I don't blame her.  Lots of tears and crying.  And of course it happened when there wasn't an exit with anything for several miles.  So I cleaned her put the best I could in the care and we drove on to finally find a a Cracker Barrel to stop at.  New clothes.  Windows cracked to air out the car.  Car seat wiped down (would need to be washed at their house).
Ate a quick lunch - Greta at some pancakes and kept them down.  I fed Lola and off we went.

The rest of the weekend was much more fun and no more puking.  Rebecca made a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner that we enjoyed on Saturday.  Then enjoyed some sunshine with a walk around the block.  Watched a little football.  And lots of playing.

Oh and a trip to a store called Rural King, which was like a giant Tractor Supply.  Luckily we need to get back to eat or we might have spent hours and probably lots of money there.

Sunday we hit the road at after breakfast.  No puking this time on the way home, but we did stop for lunch and discovered that Lola had a blow-out.  MAJOR!  Through all her clothes. No so easy to change that in a bathroom changing table but we managed.  Then fed her, we ate, and back on the road again.  We made it home in time to finish all the laundry and get bottle made for a few days and the house picked up a little.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

3 months

I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized - holy cow she's 3 months old. Everyone comments how little she is and I know she's growing and not all that little. It was very evident as we sat next to twin 3 1/2 week olds at the restaurant yesterday on our way back from Greenwood. Now they were little.  Also will in Greenwood we weighed Lola on bobs old baby scale and she weighed almost 12 pounds. Sure it's not 100% accurate but close.

Top 10
1. Found her hands and will do anything to get them in her mouth.
2. Tries to get everything in her mouth
3. Smiles all the time. Day care even asked if she was always happy. Pretty much. 
4. Slept through the night all last week
5. Survived her first week at day care and my first week at work 
6. Found her voice and makes the cutest noises now. 
7. Loves people watching. 
8. Always wants to be facing outward
9. Favorite toys are her bug, pumpkin bear and piano kicking mat. 
10. Is a good car rider unless she's hungry then game over.
11. Had her first ride in the sugar beet harvester. 

I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Greta. But then Lola was born and I realized its possible. And nowI'm  so excited to watch this happy go lucky baby girl grow and develop her personality and I love what she adds to our family.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Slept through the night

A first... Lola has been close but I'm calling last night the first time sleeping through the night - from 9:30 to almost 6:00 am. 

Now zig I could just learn to turn my alarm off and not worry - I'd be sleeping just as much. 

First day back

We did it! 

For the girls... Greta - First day back was great. She told me she missed her friends and I think she did. She ran right in, Westley gave her a big hug. They played outside. Painted. All kind of fun. When I came and picked her up, a huge smile and she came running to me. Small meltdown about leaving her blanket but minor in comparison to what I thought. 

Lola - great first day. Everyone commented on all her smiles. Said she did great. She even napped in her crib for a full hour (the rest were littke cat naps). 

For mama - it was hard. Easier than leaving Greta for the first time but still hard. Tears were shed. Almost felt it was harder leaving Greta or maybe it was that she was okay staying and not sad at all. But I guess this probably made it easier knowing she wanted to be there. And is reassuring that they are good to her. And Lola is just happy to be loved and that isn't hard to do. 

My packing list
4 bottles - between 3 - 4 ounces (only used 3)
2 pacifers
2 sleepers
2 change of clothes for each girl
Diaper cream 
Underwear for Greta
Coats and hats and gloves 
Lola's daily form
Blanket and duckie
Greta's water bottle
My lunch and snacks
My water bottle 
Bottles for pumping
Tennis shoes (starting to walk at lunch with a couple other moms)

Oh my! I think that's all. Luckily don't have to do it every day. But still takes lots of time. Here's to getting on the road on time again today.

Monday, November 2, 2015


I love taking pictures. I love capturing that perfect cute smile or that great expression. But in the process I realized I sometimes miss the perfect moment.

Yesterday while racking a big leaf pile for Greta, she was giggling and jumping in it. Having a great time. I quickly tried to capture the moment... 

And then decided to put my camera down and jump in with her. She thought it was the best thing ever. We rolled in the leaves together. She buried me. I buried her. We threw leaves at each other. We jumped in holding hands. We laughed. We laughed really hard. We giggled. 

Best 15 minutes I've had in a really long time. Need to remember to do this more often! 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween fun

I'm not a Halloween person. Never have been. And Mary asked if I had any old pictures of us in Halloween costumes, I said no. Just don't enjoy the holiday - weird costumes, candy, haunted  houses. Just not my thing. But this year decided to suck it up and participate in the churches trunk or treat. And came up with family frozen themed costumes.

We had a good time despite having no nap and a little rain.

And on Halloween, we really didn't do much at all. But it went to swimming in the morning and we just blew up like a little pumpkin, had a great visit with Lizabeth, Haley and Ryan.

In true Delaney fashion we had to put Lola in a pumpkin. She definitely did not like it as much is Greta did.

Are you kidding me??

Trying to work up a smile...

 Big sister to the rescue

Happy Halloween! 

Fastest 12 weeks

This was the fastest twelve weeks ever, well almost. It was just as fast as it was with Greta. I loved every minute of it... Even those ones where I thought I was going crazy or that I might lose it or realized that I enjoyed arguing with a 2 year old.

I feel very blessed to have gotten to spend this time at home with both Greta and Lola. Even though at first I thought I made the wrong decision pulling Greta out of daycare, I realized it was the best decision ever. It took some adjustment, but we made it and survived. She's such a determined, stubborn, sweet, silly girl that these past 12 weeks would have been boring and maybe little relaxing ( lol) without her here. 

And God blessed us with another good sleeper so that's made the last weeks even more enjoyable. Lola is just a joy to have around - smiley pants is what I've nicknamed her as she's always smiling, well except when she's hungry. 

Trips to the zoo, the petting farm, tumbling class, lunches out, shopping and more! We don't do everything I wanted and I didn't get all the things done at home I wanted but I've come to accept that and that its okay. 

A whirl wind of emotions are going through me right now as I get ready to go back to work tomorrow. Sadness because I'm not ready to leave Lola yet. Guilt because I do miss work - just a little. Madness because you aren't given more time off after you have a baby like other countries. Happiness because I got to spend 12 weeks with Greta (humor as I realize I have created a mini-me). Joy as I have 2 healthy children. 

It's never easy but I pray it will okay. And thankful for some vacation time so I only have to work 4 days a week until the end of the year!