Monday, July 30, 2018

Arcadia Daze

Great time up-north for Arcadia Daze.

Highlights of the Long Weekend

  1. Running the 5K with Karle and Lola - well starting with Karle and Lola and finishing with just Lola.  Karle did great!

2.  Watching the amazing fireworks!  Girls both stayed awake and loved them!

3. Ryan entering his car in the car show - next year maybe the Chevelle will make it's debut

4.  Craft show, face painting, beer selling oh my!

5.  Family Pictures

6.  And candy fun at the parade.

Another great weekend in Arcadia!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Let's go camping

The girls have been asking to go camping for a while so I decided let's get the Delaney family today and plan a camping trip.  I also knew that there was no way I was going to sleep in a tent all weekend so I also started investigating camper rentals.  And score for both!

We picked a weekend and got campsites... found a camper rental on - excellent site!  And the fun began.

The girls had their countdown on.

We arrived on Thursday afternoon and let Sunday around noon and had a great time despite a little rain a few days.  But nothing that ruined our trip.

A few highlights...

 Canoe Trip



Cousin Fun

Potential tornado -

Good food and campfire chats

I think we might just have started a new Delaney tradition... annual camping trip!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Lola’s first hair cut

Well I decided it was time for Lola’s first hair cut - just shy of her 3rd birthday. It just needed some taming. 

And the night before we went I discovered that Greta had cut a chunk out of the back. This was also a funny and interesting discovery. I’m still not sure when it happened or how but it did. And Greta finally confessed after Lola blamed everyone else - even daddy. 😂 i so wish I had filmed that conversation. Greta said that Lola wanted her to do it. Oh boy. 

But anyway - the final result was super cute and Lola did so good. She never moved an inch the entire time. 

The before - if you look close you can see where Greta cut it. 

The during.

The after - my little Lola Bug! 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Up north fun

Top memories up north 

1. Craft show with mom, Karle and th girls - followed by panic when I realized I lost my wallet
2. Joy when a Good Samaritan found me on Facebook and returned it to me
3. Braving the heat to seethe blue angels with Julie and Jason, Ryan, Mom and the girls. The girls kept yellong - are these the big jets? Look at the big jets.
4. Hearing and learning God’s word - I always leave feeling better. 
5. Watching the girls play and grow before my eyes. 
6. Hanging with Karle and Kahle. It always amazes me how mich they have grown. 
5. Sisterly bonding! Always fun - even when one leaves and you have to FaceTime to solve a van mystery.
5. Hearing about the guys fishing trip. They had lots of fun and caught some tasty fish too.
6. Lots of beach time and of course lots of sand. There was sand everywhere. I still feel like I’m finding sand on the girls- how is that possible! 
7. Enjoying time with mom and seeing her love on all 5 grandkids. 
8. Drinking around the camp fire and laughing with Ryan while battling the mosquitos. 
9. Food. Food. And more food! 
10. Fans. Thank goodness for fans! 
11. Fireworks! And seeing the fireworks through the eyes of Greta and Lola who both made it up for them.

And a quick recap with my favorite pictures