Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful for God's Blessings

Greta's new favorite book is Thankful for God's Blessings. It has 2 twins - Alex and Zoe. We read it every night something 3 or 4 times. In the book Alex is sad, until the Little Angels cheer him up by showing him all the blessings God has given him. 

This book for kids continues to show me that I'm not always as thankful as I should be. I get mad when things go wrong or upset at things. But really God has truly blessed me with all he had provide me with. 

A loving, determined husband
A healthy, beautiful daughter 
A loving, caring and supportive family
A good job that helps provide a good life
A roof over my head
A kitchen full of food to eat every day
And so many more.

When i think about all these things it's hard to feel sad about things. 

So my thanksgiving resolution is to be more thankful for all God has given. As the book says - all our blessings come from God! So thank you God! 

Farewell Joey dog

A very sad day on Tuesday and we let Joey go on to a better place. We saw the signs and as much as we were selfish and wanted him to stay - we was suffering and tired and it was time. 

We got up in the morning and Greta read Joey a book and book and then gave him a hug and said night night Joey. 

So we loaded him and Greta up.
Dropped Greta off at day care and off to the vet. Joey's vet is a wonderful man - the staff as well. So sympathetic and caring. Joey was in his glory as he had more milk bones than he probably gets in a year. So with his head on my knee, Joey peacefully went to sleep. The vet reassured us it was time as he said he didn't even put up a fight and now she's with the Lord. I so agree. 

Back at home, Miller searched for him and has been following me around like a lost puppy. Greta keeps asking' where Joey?'  She loved him and he loved her. We all did. And just as I write this she saw his picture and said Joey. Awh the love of a girl and her doggie. 

We miss you Joey! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A random update

Gretas doing great. Learning so many new words and songs and most of the time is an absolute joy to be around. Other times it's a good thing I love her so much and she's cute. 

Work is insane. We are preparing so what will probably be our biggest medical show of the year. I've spent many late nights after Greta has went to bed working and trying to catch up. Although I still feel like I'm drowning.  

With a crazy amount of work also trying to figure out how to use up my 7 days of vacation - not even counting the ones at Christmas and the ones I'm already planning to carry over. Ugh!!!

Bathroom not done but close. Counter is in but not vanity so we have that going. Plan to do some serious cleanup this weekend. 

Ryan got his new car today. He's like s is at Christmas :-)

We have snow!! A couple inches. And it's freezing. Good news... Day care said Greta loves it! 

Okay. That's all. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014


So I count with Greta a lot. The stairs. I'm books. Food. Anything we can count. And last week at school they did counting. 

Well this weekend we discovered she can count to 12! She was sitting in the hallway in our room while we worked in the bathroom and just rattled them off. Crazy!! She then did it a count more times. Definitely won't do it in command but can totally do it. 

Very proud mommy moment.

Picture doesn't quite go with it but this was Greta writing.

First movie night

We had a first last night... All crawled into bed and watched Frozen. Now it was like 6:45 but that's ok. We had pjs on and everything. 

Greta only made it til 8 and then I put her down and she started to fade. Ryan and I finished it with a big bowl of popcorn.

Greta seems to like the movie. Think Ryan and I enjoyed it more. 

Dinner meltdown

Well it happened. After more than 19 months I guess it bound to happen. 

We went to out fav local brewery for dinner. They have great sandwiches. Well I must have brought the wrong kid home from day care because the one at dinner with us was not the normal Greta. She threw her food - multiple times. Cried and yelled. Threw herself to the floor. 

By far not my proudest mommy moment. Despite endless attempts to get her to stop. We paid and left. And I finished dinner at home.

Not sure what that was all about but we had a similar instance today. Tired? Yes! Teething? I think. Cranky? For sure!! 

But still love her to pieces! 

This was her melt down today at home.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

When will the biting stop??

Greta had been doing good at school.  No biting anyone, and even got bit herself a couple times.  But then Thursday happened!  I got a call from day care about 10:30 in the morning, saying I needed to come get Great because she bit 2 kids very hard.

After picking her up, I learend that it's a space isseue at day care. She doesn't like kids getting too close to her.

Also when she gets frustrated she goes straight to attempting to bite me. And after many trips to sit in the hallway and long talks (which for Greta time is like 2 minutes), I hope she's leaned her lesson.

I also doesn't help that shes in the "Greta do it" phase.  Everything is " I do myself." "No mommy, I do it." Which I'm glad she is trying to do things herself, but she's still only 19 months and there are unfortunately or fortunately lots of things she still can't do. So my new strategy is "teamwork." And it seems to be working.

Still trying to figure out this biting thing and hope she outgrows it very soon.


A couple free hours

Don't get me wrong... I absolutely love being mom and being with Greta... but this Friday, I have some free time while Greta was at day care and went to Target.  Now target is the place you go for 1 thing and come out with a full cart.  And yes that happened to me.  What did I buy?  A bunch of stuff I don't need, but the great part I spent over an hour in there just walking around looking at things with no one saying, Mommy.  Mommy.  Eat.  Goldfish.  George.  Out.  Walk.  Help. I push.  Mommy.  Mommy.  Greta do it.

Oh my!  It was glorious!!  I will probaly take back most of what I bought because I don't really need it, but it was just the time spent. 

Master bath remodel

After years of talking about it - we pulled the trigger and started the master bath remodel. Ryan and I had vacation to burn so we decided it was a great time. Ryan started demo on Saturday and has been working like a dog since. I've only helped a little. Very lucky I have a hubby who's such a hard worker and so handy!!


Day 1

Day 2

Day 4 or 5 - I lost track

Day 6ish (finished Friday night at 2:30 am - yikes)

Lost track...

Strong willed child

So I saw this on facebook and it struck a cord... I have a strong willed child.  Not that I am at all surprised since both her mommy and daddy are (LOL).  But she is and I love her for it.

But the article says it well, "Strong Willed Children Are a Blessing, Not a Curse."  From the article... "They were constantly testing my patience. It was their way or the highway – or at least a lot of screaming and other such nonsense if their way was not granted. I began to wonder if strong will was a genetic trait."  A wise woman once told her, “They have some spunk, which means that they will accomplish great things.”

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Freezing with mom

For no one else would I sit out in barely 40 degrees to watch a not so good football team. But for my mom I did!! We braved the freezing temperatures and luckily got to watch Michigan win. Even cooler my tweet made the big screen.

School pictures

Greta got her school pictures taken while I was in Belgium. Didn't turn out too bad... even without her headband and with a rash.