One of my my normal weekly chores is laundry. Now typically I don't mind doing laundry, but tonight brought about a new issue. Not stains or missing socks or no laundry detergent... not tonight I made a geyser! Literally. I was upstairs working on wedding craft, and I thought I heard water. Well I did. It was spraying about 4 feet high out of our septic pump in the basement. Not good. Picture this! Well it probably wasn't that bad, but in my mind this is what it looked like.

And of course, where is Ryan? He's at golf, so it' s just me and Joey (the dog) and he was no help. So I try to turn the water off, by turning the knob... nothing happens. So I run upstairs, grab the phone, call Ryan hoping he answers on the golf course... and luckily he does. In a panic, I try to describe what's happening... I think it went somethign like this... Me: There is water spraying everywhere and I can't get it to stop. Ryan: From where? Me: The hole in the basement floor, the pump, septic, you know that thing. Ryan: From where? Me: You know the thing where the water is... it's spraying all over the place. Ryan: Unplug the pump from the wall. Me: Okay. And immediately it stops the spraying... really that's all I had to do. Me: How do I fix it? I'm in the middle of a load of laundry? Ryan: Just wait until I get home. Oh dear!
Well he got home, checked it out and the check valve just came off. Hopefully tonight he can fix it and I can finish that load of laundry.
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