Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wall Art Complete

So I found this really cool art project on pinterest (my obsession).  It involved plywood, scrapbook paper, and mod podge.  And I'm so happy to say that it turned out awesome!

We started with a sheet of birch plywood that my handy man cut up into 12 by 12 squares (which is all I asked him to do).  But since he loves woodworking, he took that up a notch and used a router to make the edges rounded.... fancy!  And perfect!  He then added a recess in the back, which is like a cut out area so that it lays flush on the wall.  Then I sanded them so they were nice and smooth.  (Luckily for me he is sitting next to me as I write this and giving me the technical term... my wording would have been, he cut the wood... really fancy!)

Next step, prime the wood with spray paint primer.  After that we used Rustolium textured spray paint in brown.  My handy man gave it two coats just to be sure.  Then we let that dry overnight - it might have been longer just because I didn't have time to start the next steps. 

But once I did, I put a coat a modge pog on both the scrapbook paper and one the wood.  Then once I set it in place, started smoothing it out.  Be sure you have enough mod podge on both so that it sticks.  Once you have smoothed it out for about 5 minutes, put a coat on the top of the paper, lighter coats work lots better than thicker ones.  And do not be alarmed when it starts to bubble up.  It will do that and yes I promise it will smooth out.  I put five coats on about 20-30 minutes apart.  And then let it sit over night and by morning, everything had smoothed out.

Ryan then hung them over our bed, spaced out 1.5 inches.  And ta-da!  The masterpiece is complete and we love it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! All your colors look so good together too! Great work team RAD! Julie