Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our First Christmas

Ryan and I celebrated our first Christmas and had a great night!  We started the evening with a few drinks and then decided to open presents - so I would finally get to find out what was in the big box that had been taunting me all week.  We started opening... first box - Ryan asked what I thought it was and I said definitely not a faucet... haha!  That's exactly what it was - a new faucet for our bathroom... Ryan opened a new Craftsman toolbelt from me.  Next gift - he asked again and I said a new shower joking... and yup - that's what it was!  Ryan opened some clothes next.  And then finally... it was time for the big box.  He asked again if I had a guess... and now I'm clueless as to what could be in it.  And I open it and it's a new countertop
 for the bathroom!  Woooo hoo!!!  It's getting a complete facelift!  Ryan then got to open his big gift... and set of nailers... most importantly a framing nailer!  Then Ryan opened a bunch of socks - which were on his list.  Stockings were next... I got some new perfume - Flower Bomb - so good!  And Wii Dance 3 - which is really funny because I had it in my hand at Target to buy to but decided not too (we played it tonight - so fun and a great workout!). 

Then we grilled some fillets and I made some pasta and we had a bottle of red.  Great evening!  We then spent the rest of the evening organizing and packing for our trip to Fort Wayne first and then Unionville for Christmas.  Our 6 day Christmas trip was almost here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to try out the Wii Dance game.... sounds like alot of fun! Are you bringing that to Unionville? Julie