Sunday, August 9, 2015

The newest Delaney

And right on schedule but not as scheduled.... Lola Jane made her grand entrance right on her due date... August 8th weighing in at 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long.

Wednesday during my doctor appointment after being told I was still at 0 everything o decided to schedule s c- section for Wednesday the 12th just in case nothing happened. Well luckily it did. Thursday I worked from home. Nothing. Friday I went into the office and was feeling a little off. We only worked to lunch so I took advantage and went shopping at target. Starting feeling a little more something's. But didn't want to get my hopes up. Then Friday night more something's and finally around 2:00 am o started monitoring the something's. And my 6:00 am decided I better call the dr and Mary to come over. 

After no call back from the back and Mary arriving, we headed to the hospital. Found out I was dialated to 1 and my water has broke. So after taking to the dr we decided to do a c-section. When getting prepped, stuff started happening and I dialated to a 4 and dr said we could def try to do this. So I agreed but with an epidural. And wow did that help. 

By 2:00ish I was already a 9 1/2 and almost there, despite the baby being sunny side up. And unfortunately never moved any further. So by 10:30 we were back to the original plan and getting prepped for the c-section. And in the end made the right decision. 

Because at 11:25 pm the sweetest cry was head and Ryan announced to me, it's a girl!! I was so happy. And after seeing her  we decided she was definitely a Lola. And as I got stitched back up, they left me go skin to skin with her and she immediately tried to start nursing. Best feeling ever!

By 2:30 am we were in our room getting settled. After more feeding, Lola headed to the nursery for a bath and do Ryan and I could try and sleep. Ryan got some and I was so excited and happy, I just couldn't. So I watched the clock and hours pass before they brought her back. 

And so our adventure began!

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