Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Reminding myself she's 2

It's been just over a week since Lola's big arrival and that meant lots of changes for poor Greta. And all in all I'd say she adjusting quite well... Even more so if I keep reminding myself that she's only 2. 

She doesn't quite understand why mommy can't pick her up or carry her. Or why at first she couldn't sit on my lap. Good news there is that I will be able to soon again. And has been helpful that I can put her to bed again and down for naps. 

Her schedule has gotten rearranged so to accommodate Lola's feeding schedule or naps or whatever it may be. 

Playtime was challenging at first because I couldn't sit on the ground. That's better now, and luckily Lola is quite laid back so I can now play with Greta more. Had to resist when Greta says "mommy you play with me. Come sit with me."

She's watched more shows on tv then Id like to admit but the last 2 days we've done better - one day watching none! And the other only watching because I thought she might fall asleep. 

Her whining is more often and demands more demanding. But we are working on that. This is really where I need to keep reminding myself she's 2 and there is usually a reason for the behavior - tired, hungry or she needs some attention like a hug.

Reality or somewhat real life starts next week when Ryan has to go back to work - then it's just us girls. Praying we can all get along - just kidding - we'll be fine if I keep reminding myself she's 2. 

And she really does love Lola and is going to be s great big sister. 

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