Friday, May 25, 2012

2 Days Until W-Day

I can't believe today is Friday already!  We are getting married in only 2 days! And of course on our first day off work, I was up at like 5:30 am and forced myself to sleep until 6:30ish and then gave up and started the day.  Got Joey fed,  breakfast made for Ryan, laundry finished, name tags for the food made, a trip to Sam's club for more water and the dessert, Ryan made a trip to the lake house for the rest of the chairs and pavers, then we met back up for a trip to Tractor Supply (which is slowing becoming one of my favorite stores because they have everything there), and then to Nature's Landscaping to buy our unity tree... all before 11:30 am! 

Prio to the then, we got a call from Bob and Rebecca and they got a flat tire in Jonesville.  Luckily Scott and Mary were around to go help them out and hooked them up with a pumped up tire to get to the local tire place.  And then they were back on their way to our house. 

But of course everything can't have gone that smoothly, we went to fire up  Norm (aka our lawnmower) decided to not want to mow.  It started up and would drive, but the level to engage the mower wasn't sticking for anything.  So after a paniced call to Dad and a call from Dad to the John Deere place we had no answer.  Backup plan - Mary and Scott bring the mower over to use.  But then Dad called back and the JD dealer said we use it but need to jerry rig something up to keep the lever foward.  Talk about red necking it (or at least that's what I felt like).  2 bungy cords later and we were back in business.  So I mowed the whole lot and Ryan string trimmed out by the barns too. 

We also picked up the tables and chairs and they are now in the barn ready to be decorated tomorrow.  Rebecca cleaned up the barn floors and Bob up together our new little firepit.  Everything is coming together.  Tomorrow should be a great day - busy and crazy I'm sure, but great!  And I can't wait!

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