Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No cold water... WTH?

So for the past few days, we really haven't had much cold water.  Yes, I said it.  Cold water.  You turn the water to cold and it's lukewarm, and sometimes it just hot.  Really?  Is that possible?  So Ryan calls up the water people and have them come out.  We are worried that something is broked.  So after lots of pipe tracing and examining.  They find the cause.  It turns out that our air conditioning that runs have circulating cold water through the pipes, has a valve that needs to be turned off.  So in nutshell, we were actulaly cooling the water first, and then circulating it through the pipes and making it hot.  Sounds real effiicent, huh?!  But we turned the valve off and now we have cold water again.

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