Friday, June 9, 2017

Lola 22 months

I can't believe that in 2 months, Lola will be 2! Where has the time gone! In this last month Lola has turned into quite the little person. Definitely losing a lot of her baby traits, which makes me a little sad. 

1. Loves to sing - newest song is the hot dog song. 
2. Loves to dance and loves to do it on a stool. Thanks to a friend, I realized Mickey dances on a platform - feel better that's probably where she got it - lol. 
3. Knows lots of words and tries to repeat everything you say
4. Loves the pool and any water 
5. Knows some of her colors - red, blue purple, and orange. And usually yellow. Still working on green.
6. Is finally moving up to blue group - the next room at day care
7. Goes on the potty about half the time. 
8. Loves books and will pick up and start reading or grab your hand and say book, which means you better start reading now.
9. Still a mommy's girl
10. Knows most animals and the sounds they make

Had to post more than one too classic

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