Monday, April 25, 2016

Terrible twos got nothing on the terrible threes

Okay so they warn you about the terrible twos. But are they really so terrible? Well if you compare them to the terrible threes... Then heck no they aren't so terrible. They are challenging but I would trade my new found terrible three year old for my "I only thought she was terrible" two year old. 

It all happened the day she turned 3. The talking back. The attitude. The sassing. The not listening. Now I know all kids have their moments but I feel like I must be doing something wrong to have this many moments where she looks me in the face and says "no I don't." Or "Yes I can." Or "you're not the boss." Like what I said totally doesn't matter.  And I'm just talking to myself. 

Then when I put my foot down and she gets s consequence, screaming, and kicking, and yelling, and hitting occur. This has been known to go on for a long, long time or until I can't handle it. And then try to fix it. 

I'm struggling. Maybe this is normal? Maybe all 3 year old's are like this? Maybe I have no idea what I'm doing?

The joys of parenting a strong willed child. One you created. I pray every night that God helps make me a better mommy.

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