What a fast 6 months it's been. Happy half birthday sweet Lola bug!

1. Has the biggest smile and is always smiling
2. Drinks 3, 5 ounces bottles at day care
3. Went on her first plane ride and did great.
4. Had her first sleep over (for 5 nights) at grandma's and did great
5. Sits up all by herself
6. Has grabby hands and is always trying to grab something
7. Had cereal for the first time 2 days ago
8. Loves Greta and watching what she does. But has also started telling her when she doesn't like what she's doing.
9. Still loves to cuddles, especially at night and mommy doesn't do a good job making her sleep in her own bed (need to work on that)
10. Loves the water (went swimming for the first time) and her bath tub.
Love this sweet, smiling face more and more each day.
A good check up for Lola today... A very healthy sized girl :-) 18 lbs 10 oz (87th percentile) and 27 inches long (92nd percentile). 18 inches head circumstances (97th percentile). 3 shots later and now a sad baby.