Monday, August 25, 2014

Let's talk about poop

Well we've had several pooping firsts in our house from Greta.  First poop in the potty. First poop on the carpet. You know, the usual. On a side note I often let Greta run around without a diaper in the evenings and sometimes after we swim.

Well we had 2 new firsts  this weekend. First poop in the kitchen. And second poop in the living room but first time we didn't know she did it and discovered it a day later.

Yes this 2nd poop in the living room was found with a big laugh out loud. I was cleaning up and her little house was on the bricks in front of the fire place. When I went to move it, I discovered the poop. Luckily it was a hard serve and not soft. But needless to have we had a good laugh over this! 

1 comment:

Mary said...

ooooo--- gross!!!