Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Freezing Temps and no power

So it has been down right frigid here... No joke.  Like 0 or below in the morning and then a high of 10 if that during the day.  And it just figures that we would loose power on the coldest of days.  3:00 am - lights start to flicker, followed by this horrible buzzing sound and then dim lights and low voltage.  A brown out.  Basically the same thing because we have to kill the power to the house so everything doesn't get fried. 

Well since we'd been talking about buying a generator since this summer when we lost power, I decided we had to this time or drive to Mary's and pick up there to borrow.  Thanks to Sam's Club who came through.  Normal open time is 10:00 am... well I called at 7:00 am when they have these special hours and asked if there was anyway we could come buy a generator as we had been without power all night.  And a wonderful nice lady asked the manager who said it was okay.  They even had the generator I requested waiting for Ryan to pick up.

A couple hours later... generator hooked up... a couple hours after that... power back on.  But oh well - we now have one for next time.

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