1. Moved to the blue room at day care.
2. No more pacifier at day care (trying to figure out how to stop it at home)
3. Talks and talks and talks. I swear after the first day on her new room she was talking more. She eve gets 3 word sentences out.
4. Favorite song is Greta, Greta, jump up and down! She ten tries so hard to jump up and down. More spins in acid me and stamps. But the cutest thing ever!
5. Has a slight attitude... At least she knows what she wants and its afraid to tell you.
6. Loves Curious George.
7. Dressed up as a cupcake for a Halloween party at day care.
8. Has the best laugh and giggle and cheesy smile.
9. Is all about "Greta do it." Look out now!
10. Pushes my buttons, challenges me and makes me love her more each day.