Friday, February 28, 2014

11 months old

Crazy to think that in 1 month Greta is be 1! Where on earth did the last year go. I know she weighs 22 pounds and 12 ounces (because of the dr visit).
Top 10
1. Is so close to walking. 
2. Loves to climb the stair thing at daycare (it's like 2 steps)
3. Can say mama, dada, ball, bubble, dog
4. Is very independent and yet such a mama's girl
5. Had RSV and had to stay home from day care and her first 2 ear infections
6. Got her first pair of real shoes from Stride Rite - 4 1/2 wide
7. New food tried - kale, couscous, quinoa, kiwi, cheese. Does not like plums - projectile vomited those.
8. Gives kisses, and especially kisses to herself on the phone 
9. Has a little bit of an attitude if she doesn't like something
10. Favorite toys are the dolls at daycare and her play house at home.

Feel so very blessed to have her in our life. She's not perfect but she's perfect for us! And I love her more than life itself!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poor baby

Sweet baby girl is sick again.  We just can't seem to catch a break.  This time - 2 ear infections and RSV, which isn't good and causes a lot of wheezy and trouble breathing.  So no daycare for Greta for a while.  I took Monday off to take her to the doctor and take care of Greta. Then luckily mom was able to come down and stay with us the week and take care of Greta so Ryan and I could both keep working.  She has good moments and bad moments but overall I think she's getting better or at least I hope so. And Motrin is our best friend these days.

Getting a breathing treatment at the doctors - didn't really help.

Hamming it up during a good moment!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sick mommy. Sick baby.

Having a sick baby is no fun but it's ever harder when you are sick too. Plus have the bark! And if you know me and the bark - it's really bad this time! And Greta has a mini-me version. Of all the things I have it could have given her I had to give her the bark. 

Low fever today but hoping for good things tomorrow or it's off to the doctor so it doesn't turn into pneumonia... Again.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

First Michigan game

Greta rocked her first Michigan game.  Well made she was there- lol. She clapped a bit at the beginning but then slept half of the second half of the game. Oh and they didn't win. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Shopping and people watching

So while at the mall this weekend, Ryan got his hair cut so Greta and I did some people watching and I did some reflecting.

My thoughts... 

1. Babies should never get their ears pierced. It's child abuse.
2. Some people should not be allowed to where leggings. It's not pretty.
3. There are those that dress up to go to the mall and those that come in their "fancy" pajamas.
4. Uggs are everywhere!!! I hate them because I don't understand them. How do your feet not get soaking wet when in the snow?!?
4. People loves babies. Especially Greta. Probably because she's a ham and wants to say hi and smile at her.
5. Shopping without a stroller is no fun. Our bad.
6. A nursing room at the mall is genius. Great private room with chairs and a changing table and sink.
7. I went to the mall and bought nothing for myself. Pretty sure that's a first. And only bought a pair of shoes for Greta. 
8. Men shop different than women. These jeans fit. I'll take them in 2 colors. Done.
9. Watching a baby walk for the first time in real shoes is quite funny.
10. Everyone has cell phone and everyone walks and texts or walks and talks. It's kind of annoying. 

Greta's first babysitter

I should start this by saying Greta had a great time with her first (non family) babysitter. But instead I'm going to start by saying I survived our first night out with a non family babysitter. No tears shed by me. I'm getting better trusting people with her. And Sara is not just some person. She used to work at Greta's daycare so I was hoping she'd remember and I'm pretty sure she did eventually. I was quite worried when I left as she clung to me. 

But no problem. They had a great time and so did we. We went to a whalers hockey game with our Thrivent rep from church who put on a customer appreciation night. (We are soon to be customers.) Great night getting to know him and his wife and some of their friends. All who have little kids. 

So all in all good night. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sad day

So today I got a call from the milk bank. It was bad news. I last two coolers cannot be used. Talk about devastated. All that time and effort put in pumping, bagging, freezing. I'll down the drain - literally! They said there was some culture they found in the milk. Probably something that was in my pump parts. So now they are sending me new parts to use. Then I have to send some samples. And then I can start donating again.

The culture really has no effect on anything. It's fine for Greta. But will contaminate their stuff so they can't process it. And I can't send any of the milk either that I have collected since then. Only a new stuff after everything has been tested. But I have too much milk to not keep sending it.

Just sad and disappointed.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


A phrase that Greta can now say... and her daddy was saying the same thing Saturday morning when he buried the pick up in the snow.  He fixed the 4-wheeler and get the drive plowed.  Then went back to get the truck and thought he could make it down the lane... well he made it 95% of the way.  Greta and I were in the house and Ryan came in and I said there is someone stuck in from of the house.  And he said there is someone stuck behind the house.  Stuck doesn't even begin to describe it.

So first he dug - failed.

Then he hooked it up to the 4-wheeler and Greta and I came out to drive the truck - failed. 

Then he dug and dug and dug some more.  He came into the house a hot mess - all sweaty.  But I give him lots of credit - he got it out.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Car wash

So yesterday one of my fears came to fruition... I got stick inside the car wash. Half way through it stopped. So I sat and waitied and it came back on and then shut off.  On and then off. All the while I'm freaking out. Finally someone comes up to me that they are having issues and I'll have to back out.  Well now my car is covered in soap and my quick run to the car wash at lunch is going on 15 minutes.  So they put me in line to go through the touch less one another 15 minutes later I finally get my car washed.  Not happy, but lived to tell about it.