Hard to see it all in the pictures. But literally it's all breast milk.
When I look back years from now, I want to be able to reflect on all the events and amazing blessings God has bestowed on us.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Full freezer
So I haven't had a chance to take any coolers in the last couple weeks.. And the result? A completely full freezer. Need to take 2 today and even then it will still be maxed out.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
We have forward movement
Look out now! Greta crawled forward tonight. Not too far but forward, not reverse which she's really good at. It's not going to be long now and we will totally have a mobile baby.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Greta's boo boo
So I just wrote that title meaning to talk about the boo boo Greta got at daycare today. But after I typed it I realized I typed both of my grandma's name... Greta her real name and Boo Boo Ma, which is what we called her our entire life. And that made me smile and then sad since she won't have the opportunity to meet her sweet great granddaughter who has her name. But I know that Greta has a special guardian angel in heaven- my Boo Boo Ma.
Anyway back to the boo boo. Greta took a face drive while trying to pick up a toy and got a mark on her chin - nice war wound. And need to call the doctor tomorrow - her diaper rash isn't getting any better and day care think it probably needs medicated lotion, as do I. But other than that - she's all good!
Love her.
Greta is getting too big too fast. Last night at dinner she sat in a high chair and loved it. And she let everyone in the restaurant know how happy she was and that she can talk. But in a good way!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Clean up. Clean up. Everybody clean up.
Well I did something I didn't think I'd ever do... Sent Greta to day care when I wasn't working. After day care reassured me that I need not feel guilty, Ryan and u got to work on fall clean up and made a huge dent in what we needed or wanted to do. Hedge got a big time hair cut. Leaves picked up. Burn pit burned and emptied. Plus a side squirrel hunt - they seem to have taken residence in the shop. Not good. After killing a 2, Ryan set the trap for the night. Hopefull that will get another one. And if course now that adds something to the list.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Definitely getting better
A follow-up trip to the doctor yesterday (in the snow I might add) and good results! Greta's white blood cell count us almost back to normal. She doesn't have influenza. And the fever has been down for 24 hours now (12 of which where without medicine). Woo hoo!
She's been playing and talking up a storm so I'm thinking Greta is finally on her way be being better. She might even be able to go to day care tomorrow!
Have also learned the struggles of managing a sick baby while working. Luckily Ryan and I have good bosses who understand but I've had to use some vacation time to stay home with her but really there's no place else I'd rather be.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Getting better or not?
So after a call for the doctors office and then Greta's actual doctor. All day was a waiting game to see if she would perk up. Fever of 101.6 in the morning and then 100.6 and still not acting like herself. Dr. Mikelait said if she doesn't have a few good moments of smiling and playing by evening we needed to take her back to the ER. So I was praying like crazy. Then around 3 so woke up and felt super warm. Took her temp 103! I freaked out a little. Call the doctors office. Texted her doctor. Gave her sons Tylenol (on addition to the Motrin she'd already had), nursed her and them prayed. 30 minutes later still high. But about an hour later down to 100.3 and she was playing and talking and semi acting like her fun little self. I miss my baby and hoping she gets better soon!
Felt completely helpless today. Greta was definitely under the weather. After having diarehea all week, last night she threw up and A LOT! Freaked me right out. A long night the followed. She wanted to be cuddled and loved, which I was happy to give and milk every couple hours to keep her hydrated. Then this morning she just seemed off. Up 4:30. Aye and then slept. So I started working (from home) at 5:30. Fed her again at like 7:30 and that us pretty much how our day went. I took a half day to cuddle her and that's all she did... All day.
Doctors appointment at 4:30 and after a couple tests to the ER we went. Her white blood cell count was 25,000 and normal is like 10,000. A chest x-ray taken and several attempts to get bold drawn and an IV started. All of which failed. Greta is one tough cookie and but it was so hard to stand by and watch her get poked and prodded. I don't know how parents of kids which more serious illnesses do it. Turns out she has pneumonia. Probably a result of having croupe when we were in Europe and it never healing. There's still a chance for her to have a urinary track infection but we won't know that for 24 hours.
So two antibiotic shots and a prescription and home we went.
I pray we don't have to do that again for a long time! Thanking God it wasn't anything worse.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
We'll family talks a lot about pooping, farting and the fun bodily functions. Well I am here to do it again. Greta has a pooping problem. It's not solid. That's all I'll say. Yesterday after two diaherra diapers they called for her to be picked up. Luckily it was 4:00 and Ryan was on his way anyway. And then this morning she was doing good. Eating, playing, acting like Greta so I sent her. At 10:00 am they called and I had to go pick her up because of another bad diaper. I get her home. She plays. Eats. Takes a 3 hour nap. Eats. Plays. And no problems. Hoping that means she is in the clear.
Say a little prayer that she's all better.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Europe Adventure
You are taking a baby to Europe? A question we got asked a lot, and my answer was always, yes, why not?! Well I am super glad we did because I would not have been able to go that long without her and Ryan and I had a great time with her. Despite Greta being sick pretty much the whole time, we were able to see everything on our list, plus we had great weather. Ryan and Greta were also able to tag along on a few of my work outings to have dinner and a tour.
Also for future reference, having a baby also has its perks. We got to cut in line at the Louvre. Servers in restaurants liked us more. Special treatment for a taxi and airport. She's the best.
The flight was also not bad at all. On the way over we had this great bassinet that latched to the wall. Was a life saver.

Here are a few highlights of our trip.
Leuven, Belgium
Paris, France. Here we stayed in a great apartment. So worth it and was even cheaper that staying in a hotel with lots more room.
Also for future reference, having a baby also has its perks. We got to cut in line at the Louvre. Servers in restaurants liked us more. Special treatment for a taxi and airport. She's the best.
The flight was also not bad at all. On the way over we had this great bassinet that latched to the wall. Was a life saver.
Here are a few highlights of our trip.
Leuven, Belgium
Ryan's first true Belgian waffle. Oh my! So good!
Train ride to Paris
Paris, France. Here we stayed in a great apartment. So worth it and was even cheaper that staying in a hotel with lots more room.
My Beauty and the Beast picture
So many great memories!
Friday, November 1, 2013
7 months old
Greta is such a joy. I must sound like a broken record but she is the light of my life and seems to how the ability to brighten all those around her - or at least that is what we are told.
Unfortunately we went to the doctor two days after she turned 7 months so I know she weighs 19 pounds and 9 ounces. Getting too big. Wears mostly 9 month outfits but still fits into some 6 month ones.
Greta's top 10 at 7 months
1) she can crawl backwards and pretty much gets anywhere she wants but in reverse.
2) she loves to eat big people food - green beans, squash, peaches, puffs, baguettes, the works
3) she loves people and will draw them in with her smile
4) she has 2 stamps on her passport - Belgium and France
5) she is a great traveler on the plane
6) she had her first bad cold (while in Europe) and toughed it out
7) she loves her doggies and Miller can get her to smile and giggle
8) she loves all her cousins and enjoys watching whatever they do
9) she tries really hard to talk but definitely know words when you say them... eat, bath, nap, kisses
10) she can dance... Well more bob up and down but will do it if you ask her to dance
Time is going to fast but I love ever minute!
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